Wiping guide for your cleanroom

Cleaning Wiping Guide

  1. Follow relevant site protocol (procedures for safety, contamination, etc.) and wear cleanroom gloves.
  2. Fold wiper in mid-air into quarter folds (Fig. 1A–1C). This will produce several clean surface areas and allow better contact with the surface to be wiped.
  3. When wiping, hold the wiper so that the folded edge is toward the area to be wiped. Hold the unfolded edges in your hand. Group the unfolded edges between thumb and forefinger.
  4. Use either a pre-wetted wiper or a dry wiper moistened with an appropriate cleaning agent.
  5. Wipe in one direction, overlapping wiped area by 10% to 25%.
  6. Wipe from cleanest to least clean regions of the surface being wiped. Wipe systematically, for example, from top to bottom, far to near. (Fig. 2)
  7. Keep track of which surfaces have been cleaned and which wiper areas are unused.
  8. Always use the cleanest surfaces of the wiper. If re-wiping, use a clean portion of the wiper, not the used wiper area.
  9. Dispose of wipers according to site procedures.

Cleaning wiping guide of Texwipe

Wiping Wet Spills

  1. Identify the spilled liquid. Follow the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
  2. Choose wiper and gloves that will not be degraded by the liquid.
  3. For hazardous spills, wear two pairs of gloves and try to keep the gloves dry. Wear any other necessary protective gear.
  4. Use dry wipers to wipe spills up immediately. Then clean the affected surfaces by following steps 1-9 in the “Cleanroom Wiping Guide” above.
  5. Dispose of wipers according to site procedures.

wiping wt spills

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